What Do the Percentages Represent in the Marcos Pie Chart?

Many users ask why the macronutrient pie chart percentages in Athlytic don’t match the gram values for carbs, fat, and protein. This is because the percentages are based on caloric contribution, not just the total grams of each macronutrient.

This is the standard method used in most nutrition tracking apps because each macronutrient provides a different number of calories per gram:

Carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram

Protein = 4 calories per gram

Fat = 9 calories per gram

How Are Macronutrient Percentages Calculated?

The pie chart percentages represent the proportion of total calories that come from each macronutrient, using the formula:

Why the Percentages Don’t Directly Match Gram Values

Users often assume that the pie chart percentages should directly reflect the gram values for each macronutrient, but this is incorrect because each macronutrient contributes a different amount of energy (calories) per gram.

For example:

  • Fat has more than double the calories per gram compared to protein and carbs.
  • Even if the gram amounts of protein and fat were the same, fat would contribute more total calories, leading to a higher percentage in the chart.

This is the standard method used in most nutrition tracking apps, as calorie intake is the most relevant factor in dietary tracking.

If none of these troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to Athlytic support for further assistance.

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