Setting Your Recovery Preferences
Athlytic offers several Recovery Preferences that allow you to customize how your Recovery score is calculated. You can find these settings in the More tab in Athlytic.
Prioritize Sleep or Mindfulness HRV
When ON (Recommended) Athlytic will prioritize HRV in the following order:
- A single Mindfulness (Breathe) session HRV (if recorded before noon).
- Average of all HRV samples during sleep (if available).
- Average of all HRV samples, whether awake or asleep (if no sleep data is available).
Why is this recommended?
• Studies suggest HRV recorded during sleep or immediately after waking is the most reliable for assessing Recovery.
• If you do not wear your watch while sleeping, a Mindfulness session upon waking can provide an alternative HRV reading.
When OFF Recovery will update throughout the day as new HRV samples are recorded. This is not recommended, as waking HRV can be influenced by external stressors, movement, or hydration and may not accurately reflect Recovery.
Ignore Mindfulness App HRV Setting
When ON Athlytic will ignore HRV from Mindfulness (Breathe) sessions and only use sleeping HRV or general HRV readings. If you use the Mindfulness app for reasons other than HRV tracking, turning this ON prevents it from affecting your Recovery calculation.
When OFF HRV from a Mindfulness session before noon will be used as the primary HRV reading.
Use RMSSD for HRV Setting
This setting changes how HRV is calculated in Athlytic.
When ON Athlytic will use RMSSD (Root Mean Square of Successive Differences) instead of SDNN (Apple’s default) to measure HRV.
• Since Athlytic calculates these values itself, it filters out artifacts (outliers) in your beat-to-beat heart rate measurements before determining HRV.
• This will increase load time, as Athlytic must calculate HRV from beat-to-beat heart rate data.
When OFF, Apple’s SDNN (Standard Deviation of Normal-to-Normal Intervals) method will be used for HRV calculations. Since this is an Apple-generated HRV sample, Athlytic does not filter or adjust these values.
Important Notes:
•If you enable RMSSD, it may take some time for widgets, complications, and the Apple Watch to sync with the new data.
•If you delete an SDNN HRV sample in Apple Health, it also deletes the underlying beat-to-beat data, which means Athlytic cannot generate an RMSSD-based HRV reading for that sample.
Read more about RMSSD vs SDNN here.
Enable Athlytic to Save Resting Heart Rates
When ON Athlytic will save its own Resting Heart Rate (RHR) sample into Apple Health each day based on your average HR during sleep.
This Prevents Recovery from changing throughout the day due to Apple’s shifting RHR values and helps ensure a stable Recovery score rather than one that fluctuates as Apple Health updates your RHR.
When OFF Recovery may update throughout the day as Apple’s single RHR sample updates throughout the day.
Athlytic Recommendations
For the most accurate Recovery we recommend either (1) wearing your watch to sleep, and turning on AFib History to enable more HRV sampling, or (2) using the Mindfulness App upon waking to trigger an HRV reading.
Additional Resources:
Using the Mindfulness App for HRV in Athlytic
If none of these troubleshooting steps resolve the issue, consider reaching out to Athlytic support for further assistance.